Je Joue Silicone CRing Level 1 Black Je Joue AnalJe Joue Silicone CRing Level 1 Black Je Joue AnalJe Joue Silicone CRing Level 1 Black Je Joue AnalJe Joue Silicone CRing Level 1 Black Je Joue Anal

Je Joue Silicone CRing Level 1 Black Je Joue Anal


This luxury silicone penis rings from Je Joue keeps users harder for longer and prolong orgasms. So easy to put on, and stretchy enough to be put on at any time - with or without an erection. 

The super-soft silicone feels great on skin, while the unique non-slip design keeps the ring in place throughout playtime. The level of stretch is less about the size of the penis and more about the level of intensity desired. 

The maximum level of stretch provided by Je Joue's Black Level 1 ring is great for new users, those with more girth, and those looking to use the ring around both the penis and testicles.


Un-stretched Diameter: 1.25"

Stretched Diameter: 8.00"